
“But instead of staying in Nazareth, Jesus moved to Capernaum. This town was beside Lake Galilee in the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali.” – Matthew 4:13, CEV

Years ago, my employer decided to transfer me from Kampala to Hoima.

It was really difficult for a young man who had never even traveled beyond Nansana.

However, the period I spent in Hoima could be credited for being one of the most transformative episodes in my life, contributing greatly to shaping me into what I am today.

We all have our different ‘comfort zones,’ don’t we?

But at a certain point in life, everyone must face a ‘Capernaum experience’!

Our Lord Jesus had one too, as our meditation today states.

Nazareth, located in the region of Galilee, was the hometown of Joseph and Mary.

It was from there that Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem, their ancestral town in Judea, prior to the birth of Jesus Christ.

It appears that Joseph had decided to settle in Bethlehem for good but when Herod ordered the massacre of the infant boys in the town, Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt with Baby Jesus.

When Herod died, the angel instructed Joseph to return to Bethlehem.

However, the young family was afraid to return to Bethlehem or Judea because of Herod’s son, Archelaus.

Joseph was therefore directed by God in a dream to return to Nazareth in Galilee (see Matthew 2:22-23).

That is where Joseph’s family together with Jesus were to live until His baptism by John the Baptist at the age of 30.

Nazareth was so important in Jesus’ life that it almost became His identity (Jesus of Nazareth).

It was also where He built His career as a skilled carpenter.

But shortly after His baptism and fasting for 40 days, our meditation verse today says that rather than continuing to live at His family’s home in their hometown of Nazareth, He shifted to Capernaum on the shores of Lake Galilee, slightly over 35 km away.

Unlike the much quiet Nazareth, Capernaum was a bustling metropolitan lakeside town on major trade routes, with a diverse population, including Jews and Gentiles.

Whereas we also know that Jesus’ messianic ministry had been rejected in Nazareth, we may conclude that leaving Nazareth to settle in Capernaum was a difficult decision for both Jesus and His mother, Mary.

But He had to make that crucial decision, if His three-year ministry was to eventually take off.

Apart from being a fulfilment of a long-standing prophecy (Matthew 4:14-16), Jesus’ relocation from Nazareth to Capernaum was a crucial turning point as it marked the shift from His private life in a humble Jewish town to public ministry in a major city.

After settling there, Capernaum became the mission center of Jesus’ ministry, indeed some of His most notable miracles and discourses happened there.

Additionally, it was in Capernaum that Jesus identified His core team of apostles – Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John.

Which ‘Capernaum’ is God calling you to encounter in 2025 but you’re really frightened?

It could be getting married, moving to another country, changing employers or careers or Churches, etc.

It’s never easy, but as Abraham found out, there are benefits that do accrue from leaving “your country, your people and your father’s household” to live in a new place.

Firstly, leaving your familiar surroundings, your family, friends, colleagues, etc can foster independence and self-reliance, which are critical life skills.

Also, a new environment can provide opportunities to try new things, develop new skills, and explore new interests.

Apart from broadening your perspective and understanding of the world, a new environment can be an opportunity to expand your professional network, forming new friendships and connections with people from different backgrounds and thus a new support network and opportunities for growth and service.

In this New Year, God is challenging you to take that long-awaited plunge and embrace your ‘Capernaum.’  

Remember that He promised never to leave you nor forsake you!

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