About Ap. Peter Simon Nyanzi
I am a preacher of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, teacher, media scholar, author, and Communications consultant.The Psalmist said, ‘THY WORD is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105) Simon [Peter] told our Lord Jesus; “Master, we have toiled all the night, and have caught nothing: nevertheless at THY WORD I will let down the net.” (Luke 5:5) Meditating on the Scriptures daily and renewing our minds through God’s Word every day is a key secret to a successful Christian life.
About ‘Thy Word’
At the beginning of 2023, God instructed me to write brief notes about a single word from
His Word as a meditation for the day. I baptized it ‘Thy Word.’ I would then share what I
had written with ministry friends and on some selected groups that I am part of on social
Since January, I’ve received a lot of feedback and many amazing testimonies from around
the world about what God has done in people’s lives through ‘Thy Word’ and how the
devotional has been a blessing to them.
However, at the end of March, one of the fans of ‘Thy Word’ suggested that I open up a blog
website on which I can post these daily meditations for purposes of permanence and of
course for future reference. I said, ‘why not’?
Thankfully, God generously provided for the project, hence this blog website. We give all
the glory to the Lord!
I will therefore continue writing a short meditation every day, which I will be posting on
this website until further notice. As you will note, we shall also add one or two other
devotionals that have been a blessing to the body of Christ. You’re gonna be greatly blessed.
The Psalmist said, ‘Thy Word is a lamp unto my feed and a light unto my path” (Psalm
119:105). Making the Word of God part of our daily walk with the Lord is one of the most
important decisions that we could ever make. Additionally, meditating on the Scriptures
and renewing our minds through the Word of God every day is indeed one of the secrets of
a successful Christian life.
How to use this devotional
This resource is intended to benefit all Christians regardless of their denomination so long
as one believes that the Bible is the Word of God. The articles are cross-cutting and deal
with every aspect of life – spiritual, world of work, relationships, family, civic life, etcetera.
This devotional is not meant to be academic, theological or controversial. It’s for ordinary
Christians like you and me across the social spectrum, especially those who wish to have a
closer walk with our Jesus Christ every day. It may be used by individuals to kick-start the
day or studied in small groups at home, work or school.
If you are blessed by any of the articles, please feel free to share it with as many friends and
family members as you can.
May the Good Lord bless you!